Our Story
We are Ireland’s international ukulele festival, the ‘Ukulele Hooley by the Sea’.
And we’re really looking forward to 2024’s Ukulele Hooley Festival.
This is our 13th year of the festival, Europe’s longest running ukulele festival. Over the years we have presented many talented ukulele performers and groups from around the world and we’re planning to continue that tradition in 2024.
See you in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland.
Ireland’s International Ukulele Festival
Many ukulele luminaries have performed including Canada’s James Hill, Belgium’s Winin’ Boys, Ukulele ZaZa, Minnie & The Illywhackers, Del Rey, Andy Eastwood, Peter Moss, Christopher Davis-Shannon, Ukulele Uff Trio, Janet Klein, France’s Les Poupees, Fred Sokolow, Shine (from Spain), Gus and Finn Trio, Moon Berries, Ukulele Red & Lil’l Mamie Brown, The East River String Band, Ireland’s West Cork Ukulele, Ukeristic Congress, the Dublin Ukulele Collective, UK’s Hot Potato Syncopators, Casey McGill, James Clem, The Mourning Glories and many many other fine artists and groups.
We will be featuring all the elements that have made the Ukulele Hooley one of the most friendly and enjoyable festivals.
Keep an eye on our website and social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We’re promising a weekend of ukulele fun and frolics!
Our Mission
To provide a super weekend of ukulele fun; Friday night jam, Saturday Workshops, Saturday Stage, our Bus Busk and an Open Mike on Saturday evening, followed by a whole day of excellent ukulele acts performing on the big stage in the People’s Park, and our Dance themed Ukulele Jam mass ukulele performance. You get to meet ukulele players from all over Ireland and many international visitors too. Fun for all the family and educational too for the ukulele players amongst us. A great place to meet like minded friends.
Finding the Ukulele Hooley Festival
On Friday 23rd August we kick the festival off with an informal Jam session, in the Lighthouse Bar in Dun Laoghaire, from 8pm.
On Saturday 24th August, most of the festival proceeding will be happening in or around our festival HQ, the Eblana Lodge, on Eblana Avenue, Dun Laoghaire.
On Sunday 25th August, the main concert event will be held in the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire.
Eblana Lodge, Eblana Ave, Dun Laoghaire
The Eblana Lodge on Eblana Avenue is ‘mission central’ for the Ukulele Hooley Festival. On Saturday 25th August most of the festival activities are taking place in the Eblana.
People's Park, Dun Laoghaire
On Sunday 26th August, the main Ukulele Hooley concert event takes place in the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire.
Festival Hub
Dun Laoghaire’s oldest club, The Eblana, is the Ukulele Hooley 2024 Festival Club & Hub.
All the Ukulele Workshops, the Saturday Stage, and the late night shenanigans will be happening here.
We are very grateful to our hosts the Eblana Club for their generosity in making the club available to us for the festival weekend.
Our Team
Please say ‘Hi’ to the core Ukulele Festival team. We’re looking forward to seeing you. Please reach out and talk to us, we’d love to assist with anything that we can, and hear your feedback and views on the festival.
We can’t do this on our own. We are very glad to be assisted by our legion of volunteers, who will also be pleased to help you if they can.
Contact Us
Looking to get in contact or find us?
Email us at ukulelehooley[at]gmail.com, or catchup with us on our social media channels.
And hopefully you can visit us on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you
The Ukulele Hooley is on Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th August, 2024.
Email Us